What is the aim of TOTAL FIT WORKFLOWS?

To decrease the rate of complications and increase success! The vast majority of the biologic and technical dental implant complications can be significantly reduced or even avoided if risk factors could be addressed and controlled in planning stage. TFW approach to address the features of the implant connection, abutments, prosthetic materials and other factors during the planning stage.

To simplify digital workflow. Digital workflow can become a complex and difficult to manage due to many tools that can be included in it: intraoral scanners (IOS), cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) unit, face scanners, jaw-tracking devices, dynamic navigation systems, photogrammetry device, 3D printers etc. This can lead to decreased effectiveness and even increase the risk of complications. TFW is organized to simplify the digital workflow and to include only essential digital tools which ensure only highest accuracy.

To control error propagation. Each digital or analog technique can have acceptable level of accuracy, but when included in the workflow can result in significant deviations. TFW allows to limit the error propagation of the workflow.

To provide immediate prosthetics.  TFW applies fusion of surgical and prosthetic planning and procedures. Immediate restoration and loading is simplified and becomes a standard procedure benefitting esthetics, function, and patient satisfaction.

 To ensure the “TOTAL FIT”. Accuracy is important, but clinically only the “fit” matters. Mainly the passive-fit of  implant-supported prosthesis is considered as a criteria of fit. TFW helps to manage many different “fits”: fit (alignment) of digital images, guides, surgical instruments, immediate prosthetics, along with many other fit criteria for the final prosthesis – proximal and occlusal contact fit, passive fit, marginal fit, emergence contour fit, hygienic, biocompatibility, structural strength and other features. No “try-in” appointments!

 To increase patient satisfaction and efficiency of the clinic/lab. Meeting all TFW criteria can profoundly affect the efficiency of clinic and lab! Organized workflow, shorter visits, faster treatments, less complications, more satisfied customers and patients!


TFW is organized in 6 steps

 Step #1 (clinical and laboratory). Patient examination and treatment plan. Envisioning the type of digital workflow, acquisition of images to create the “digital patient” and restorative treatment plan.

Step #2 (laboratory).  Implant surgery planning addressing the features of prosthetic components and planning the fit! Designing and manufacturing surgical guides and immediate prosthetics.

Step #3 (clinical). Guided implant placement, bone reduction, regenerative procedures, and immediate loading or immediate restoration.

Step #4 (clinical) Bite, implant position, face, jaw dynamics registration with digital tools and some analogue techniques when needed.

Step #5 (laboratory)  Verification of data received from the clinic, dental model strategy selection, design, manufacturing, and finalization procedures.

Step #6 (clinical). Delivery of final prostheses without “try-in” appointments. Objective evaluation of the different types of “fits”.


Total fit worklows

Step 1

Treatment planning. Digital patient model.

Step 1
  • Examination
  • Image acquisition
  • Reference objects
  • Alignment
  • Verification
  • Restorative treatment plan

Step 2

Guides and immediate prosthetics

Step 2
  • Implant and abutment selection
  • Guide design and manufacturing
  • Immediate prosthetics design and manufacturing

Step 3

Guided surgery and loading strategy

Step 3
  • Guided impant positioning
  • Confirmation
  • Primary stability
  • Healing abutments
  • Immediate restoration or loading


Step 4

Digital impressions and registration

Step 4
  • Reference selection
  • Occlusion registration
  • Implant position registration
  • Repositioning accuracy

Step 5

Labaratory procedures

Step 5
  • Verification of registrations
  • Model fabrication
  • Abutment selection
  • CAD/CAM and 3D printing
  • Finalisation

Step 6

Delivery of final restorations. Follow-up

Step 6
  • Try-in
  • Fit evaluation
  • Passive-fit
  • Adjustments
  • Delivery
  • Follow-up
  • Maintenance